My birthday today! We had a great weekend with the family, golf on Saturday and relaxing and dinner on Sunday. We missed Brendan and Candace who are now in West Virginia.
I definitely feel like the summer is coming to an end although September and early October can be really nice, so still more time for golf, hiking, running and biking. We had a great weekend at the cottage with everyone in August and hope to get one more weekend together in September.
A good month for reading, getting through nine books. In my post on activism, one of the recommendations I make is to read. I know this is certainly not the most radical activism thought but I still think it is important and can be beneficial. Read books to learn from. Read books that make you feel uncomfortable. Read books that make you think about whether you agree or disagree. To that end, some really good books are highlighted this month. So You Want to Talk About Raced
by Ijeoma Oluo is likely going to make you feel uncomfortable (especially if you are white). But it is a great book, everyone should read it and as a compliment, I can say I wish I had read the book earlier in life. White Fragility: Why it is So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo is a book you have to really pay attention to while reading. A lot of content and insight that you don't want to miss. Again I wish I had read this earlier in life also.
The non-fiction book of the month is Untamed by Glennon Doyle. You may remember I highlighted this last month when I finished reading it. I bought a copy for Lauren and am hoping all of our children and their partners read the book. Lauren finished it this morning and thought it was great. She intends to reread it (which is an indicator of the quality of the book). Definitely get this on your reading list.
The fiction book of the month is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. One of my favourite authors (he wrote Kite Rider a previous book of the month) is a great read, amazing insight into Afganistan life, culture and history.
Three new wines that you will see highlighted in the wine blog in red. Alamos a Malbec from Argentina, 13St Burger Blend VQA from Niagara but my favourite for the month is Bread and Butter Cabernet Sauvignon from California. Instantly one of my favourites which I think you will really enjoy. As always they are all under $20!
I didn't get to writing any new posts this month, trying to squeeze all the enjoyment we could get out of the summer. will definitely get to some new material this month.
Thanks for reading and let me know any thoughts or ideas at