Well, winter is definitely here. There is a little snow on the ground and it is definitely getting colder. Unfortunately with the cold weather, we are also experiencing the second wave of COVID-19 which is getting quite serious across Canada and around the world. November and December are big celebration months for our family. Patrick, Brendan and Kevin all have their birthdays in November and Lauren's is early December. We traditionally have a brunch and Christmas tree decorating event with everyone at our house and of course, there is Christmas and New Years'. Unfortunately, the second wave has put a damper on all of that as we have gone back into lockdown (although Durham is in red, not complete lockdown) and we are limiting our gatherings and have gone back to weekly video calls (our virtual beer calls). We are still hoping we will have our immediate family together for Christmas as it is clear an extended family gathering will be out of the question.
I was glad that Joe Biden won the election and of course Trump's behaviour is exactly what would have been expected, terrible. I think the time between now and January 20, 2021, is very dangerous and there is still lots of damage that Trump can do. I find it incredibly discouraging that 74 million Americans voted for Trump. The fact that the election was as close as it was says a lot about the US. Having said that, at least Biden won and although I originally had low expectations for his presidency, I am hopeful (I want to be an optimist) that he may be better than I thought. I think he is off to a good start with his early picks for cabinet and senior positions with what appears to be an experienced, group of people who will bring a level of thoughtfulness and professionalism to the White House that has been missing for the last 4 years. Let's hope!
I didn't actually post and new articles in November so I will have to get on that for December. I am determined to finish my last post on our trip to Japan, this one on Kyoto so watch for that.
I did finish 8 books this month, 4 fiction and 4 non-fiction. You will find them highlighted in red in the What to Read ... Updated with November 2020 adds post. Of particular note, I really enjoyed John Brennan's book, Undaunted. I normally love books by former White House officials and this is one of the better ones. Three of the four fiction books I read were great (one was total trash) but One by One, The Guest List and All the Devils are Here you will enjoy if you enjoy murder mystery.
The non-fiction book of the month is Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy by David Frum. Frum is a great writer, a Canadian (son of Barbara Frum the Canadian journalist) and a former speechwriter for George W. Bush. I love his writing because he is critical and complementary to both Democrats and Republicans as required (a rarity in American politics). He also has ideas and suggestions which many political writers don't have (just criticism). Definitely worth reading.
The fiction book of the month is The Huntress by Kate Quinn. I really enjoyed it and Teresa like it also, so a double endorsement!
There are three new wines added to the Great Wines under $20! - updated with November 202 info post. We had Wits End Luna Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 from Australia this month. It is an amazing wine and only $17.95. Another great wine from Australia.
The wine of the month is Carnivor one of our original favourite wines to drink at the cottage (or anywhere). A delicious, deep red cabernet from California, for $15.95 you cannot go wrong.
Remember I have tried to make the site easier to read. A couple of things:
What to read is updated every month and the new books are highlighted in red. The two books of the month are also highlighted in red. Unfortunately, when the post is updated it does not come up to the top like new posts so you need to scroll down to find it
Great wines under $20! is also updated monthly and the new wines added are highlighted in red. Again because the post is only updated it does not come up to the top.
Books of the Month and Wines of the Month are both updated monthly and only include the favourites I have picked for that month along with previous months' picks. Again as it is updated you need to scroll down to find it
Wishing everyone happy holidays and a happy new year. Let's hope that COVID-19 will leave us next year. Let me know any feedback or comments at thethirdperiod.ca@gmail.com.