I am writing this on a very significant day for Canadian Indigenous people. Today the Pope apologized for the Catholic church's role in Canada's residential school system. While his apology certainly does not close this terrible portion of Canada's history, I am glad he apologized. The apology, while late was required to continue the process of reconciliation and closure. I am glad the Pope did not make Canada's Indigenous people wait until he potentially visits Canada this summer. I am glad he had the courage to offer the apology that no other Pope before him had the courage to do. After a historic week, where three different Canadian Indigenous groups met with the Pope, his apology today was a good ending to the week. More needs to be done. The Catholic church needs to open its records to Indigenous people in Canada. There needs to be meaningful financial compensation from the church to Canada's indigenous people. But this is a good start and as I said I am glad the Pope apologized today.
This brings me to the most important post on my website. You can read my post on Truth and Reconciliation. I have started a modest social media campaign to try and bring focus on the lack of progress our federal government is making on the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. After six years, less than 15% of the recommendations have been actioned. This is from a government that says it is committed to Indigenous issues. Really? You can read about my campaign here - https://www.thethirdperiod.ca/post/truth-and-reconciliation . You can follow my weekly posts on my social media feeds here:
Facebook - Thethirdperiod@thethirdperiod.ca
Twitter - @ThethirdperiodC
Instagram - gdi_the_third_period_ca
Please take the time to follow and read the posts and then share them with your network. I have attracted a number of new followers (although still modest) and will look to grow the campaign over time.
The website is completely up to date. You can check out some great new wines on my Great Wines under $20 post or for quick access to my favourite wines read My Favourite Wines. I started a new book list for 2022 which has all the books I have read so far this year. Rating and comments so you can decide if you want to read the book. I have also updated my Book of the Month post for easy reference.
Teresa and I took a side trip to Nashville while visiting our youngest son and our daughter-in-law in West Virginia. You can read about all the places we checked out in Nashville here - https://www.thethirdperiod.ca/post/music-city-our-visit-to-nashville.
Is spring coming? Let's hope so. It has been a long cold winter and a cold spring but hopefully, soon it will be warming up and we can get outside. We want to start golfing!
As always any questions or comments let me know at thethirdperiod.ca@gmail.com