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why retirement is fun! - family - travel - activism - wellness - golf

After working in the corporate world for 35 years I am so lucky to now enjoy my time with my best friend, our five children, and our amazing extended family and friends. I want to try and share the experiences that we now have through family, activism, travel, golf and so much more! We intend to totally enjoy the third period of our life, who knows we might even go into overtime!

Is watching television causing you stress?

The first time I remember stress being transferred to me from watching television was during 9/11. I am not talking about the kind of...

What's New on the Blog Site. August 1, 2020

July was a great month. Amazing weather in southern Ontario. Teresa and I celebrated our 37th (!!!) wedding anniversary. I got to play...

Our Journey to Japan 2020

Our trip seems so long ago now. Obviously pre-COVID-19, or at least pre-COVID-19 lockdown and travel restrictions. Our trip to Japan,...

My Journey into Activism

In some ways, I feel like my engagement in activism was similar to my engagement in health and wellness (read A Journey to Better Health...

What's New on the Blog Site. July 1, 2020

The summer is just racing by, June is over and we are now into July. As we watch the COVID-19 cases explode in the US and increase in...

Our Son Sean's Acceptance Speech

So I am going to definitely sound like a proud father (which I am). Sean our oldest son is graduating from Ontario Tech University this...

Our Journey to More Local Shopping

My first decision was whether this post should go under the health or activism category. My inclination was activism as I felt that you...

What's new on the blog site? June 1, 2020

Wow, it is June already, and with the global pandemic still at full strength and no end in sight, it definitely has the feeling of a very...

What to read ... the complete list for 2021

I love to read. I think I have always loved reading. I have memories of ordering paperback books from a catalogue company available from...

More Stuff to Read

As I mentioned when I launched my blog I hope to have guest posts or connections from many of my talented family and friends. I know many...

It Launches today!

I have decided to create a blog. Initially, it was Sean's (my oldest son) idea. We were laughing about the changes in my life from a...

A Journey to Better Health

It is often said that there is nothing more important than your health. While there is certainly an argument for that, it seems more to...

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